Welcome Back!

drchorakorthodontics.com We have really missed all of our patients and their families over the last couple of months...so we are thrilled to let you know that Dr. Mario Chorak has now reopened! Here are some things to know: On March 18th, Governor Inslee mandated that all dental offices stop seeing patients, unless in emergency or urgent care situations, until May 18th. It was confirmed through the Governor’s office that this mandate overrode the Stay Home, Stay Healthy Orders, thus allowing Dentists and Orthodontists to return to seeing ALL patients on May 18th. Governor Inslee’s original mandate was due to the anticipated shortage in PPE, NOT due to fear of spreading the virus in dental offices. Dentists and Orthodontists use some of the most stringent and thorough protocols for virus protection and all use “Universal Precautions.” Universal Precautions is an approach to infection control to treat all human blood and certain human body flu...