7 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath While Wearing Braces

Chorak Orthodontics We understand that bad breath can be uncomfortable to talk about but unfortunately it happens to most people for several different reasons. The most common factor for bad breath in patientswith braces at Chorak Orthodontics is almost certainly caused by poor oral hygiene. After getting braces, patients may develop bad breath from not cleaning their teeth correctly. Bacteria feeds on food particles left in your mouth, and this bacterium creates odor. Because braces contain so many small spaces to trap food, the habits that worked great for cleaning your teeth before braces may no longer be enough. Bad-breath-causing odors and bacteria can also cling to removable orthodontic appliances (like a retainer or clear aligners ), so be sure to remove them before eating, even if you're only eating a small amount. Brush and Floss Often - Follow a strict routine of brushing and flossing regularly. Brush your teeth after breakfast every morning and prior to going to...