3 Halloween Braces Friendly Treats

renton orthodontics

Halloween is one of every kid's favorite holiday! If you have visited any of the fun pumpkin patches near Renton and Fairwood, you’ll see all the family activities and be reminded of the fun Halloween is with all the costumes, trick-or-treating and endless treats, all making this time of year a fun time.

Halloween can also be a tricky time if you have braces and while there are certain foods you should stay away, there are some types of candies you can eat on Halloween, that won’t damage your braces. Check out our other blog on all the information on Halloween and candies. Here are three Halloween braces-friendly treats you can eat on Halloween night.

1. Cookies:
A sweet treat that is braces-friendly is soft cookies. Soft cookies won’t damage your braces and are an enjoyable treat on Halloween. Softness is key because your wires and brackets won’t be damaged. Be sure to brush up after eating treats.

2. Chocolate:
Sugary treats affect our teeth in different ways, especially when it comes to orthodontic treatment and the overall health of our teeth and our oral hygiene routine. Chocolate that has no nuts, is not hard or has additional sticky stuff is the best route to go on Halloween night (and beyond). Chocolate is so delicious, and one of the most popular types of candy given out on Halloween. Chocolate washes off your teeth easier than any other type of candy. Dark chocolate also has less sugar than regular milk chocolate.

3. Peanut Butter Cups 
Avoid any candy with nuts or hard ingredients. Hard candies can cause wires to come loose, bend or break and ultimately cause discomfort. Peanut butter cups are the perfect treat because of its softness and popularity on major holidays.

Minimize sugary treats and foods and stick to oral hygiene routines. Check out more information here on what to do if a loose or poking archwires happen or brackets become loose. It’s important to regularly check your braces for bent or loose wires and brackets.

Our locations in Fairwood, allow us to serve our communities with the highest level of Orthodontic care. From braces to Invisalign, our goal is to ensure your smile is an excellent, healthy smile. Schedule an appointment today.

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